Manage esports programs, made for individuals and organizations.

Run profitable and professional esports programs

The ECA Platform gives you superpowers to run profitable and professional youth esports programs that kids and parents love (and pay for).

Complete programming.

All programs are designed to develop healthy gaming habits

while improving a gamer's in-game skills, mental toughness,

fitness, and overall well-being with 300+ Exercises and

200+ Training Sessions.

All programs are designed to develop healthy gaming habits

while improving a gamer's in-game skills, mental toughness,

fitness, and overall well-being with 200+ exerciss and 100+ training sessions.



An array of game-agnostic,

in-game and physical exercises.

Training Sessions

Training Sessions

Complete training sessions.



Complete game-specific fundamentals courses

and boot camps.

Why use the ECA Platform?

Time Savings

Pre-built programs - Ready to run


Create the same experience for your students.

Easy to Use

The intuitive platform requires minimal staff training.


Our platform scales with you, if you are launching or established, we grow with you!


Become part of a global community and learn best practices from others.

The ECA platform and team were instrumental in launching our esports program. Having the support of the ECA team and access to the platform, helped us feel prepared in operating our program.

The ECA platform and team were instrumental in launching our esports program. Having the support of the ECA team and access to the platform, helped us feel prepared in operating our program.

Eiður Smári Árnason

Eiður Smári Árnason

Coach - ÍA

Coach - ÍA

Parent Testimonials

"In a few weeks we start noticing differences. Our son started to make his own screen time schedule, then he started to do physical exercises at home after never having shown any interest in physical activity before"

Aðalsteinn Haukur

Icelandic Parent

The most frequently asked questions.

Answered by Bjarki Már Sigurðsson, Head of Content

How often do you refresh content?

Every time there is a change to a game title, we refresh and update content accordingly.

Can I use the platform to run sessions with different skill levels?

Yes, you can customize sessions to meet gamers specific needs.

Here we need a great question

Yes, you can customize sessions to meet gamers specific needs.

Do I have to be a pro gamer to use the content?

No, our content is structured and written for anyone to coach multiple titles, we focus on teaching core game mechanics.

Can I create my own content on the platform?

Yes, you can create your own content and share it with other members of your organization.

Can I customize the pre-made courses?

Yes, you can customize the pre-made courses. You can lengthen, shorten, and swap out sessions.

A guide: How to successfully launch a youth esports center

In this guide you will gain insight into what it takes to launch and operate your own esports center and programs.

Topics range from determining the location of your center, and required technology and equipment to how to structure your youth programs.

At the end of reading the guide you should have great base knowledge to kick-start your journey to launching an esports center.

Want to learn more?

We built the ECA Platform after helping run esports lessons for thousands of kids in Iceland. The platform is designed to be the brain of an esports operation, allowing you to run more profitable and professional programs that stay consistent over time.

Book a call with us to see how we can help you succeed.

Book a call